[Ryeowook] 슈퍼주니어 데뷔 6주년입니다. 많은 분들의 사랑으로 6년이란 시간을 만들어낸거 같아요~ 정말 감사드립니다~ 멤버들 한명, 한명에게도 다 정말 고마워요>< 진짜진짜 사랑해~♥려욱
It’s the 6th anniversary of Super Junior’s debut. I think we’ve made and spent these 6 years with a lot of people’s love~ really, want to thank you~ each of the members, I am very thankful to each and every member>< Really, really love you (all)
It’s the 6th anniversary of Super Junior’s debut. I think we’ve made and spent these 6 years with a lot of people’s love~ really, want to thank you~ each of the members, I am very thankful to each and every member>< Really, really love you (all)
[Trans by: @sherzzz]
[Yesung] 슈퍼주니어 데뷔6주년 … 지켜준 엘프 사랑하는멤버 슈퍼주니어를 존재하게 해주신 모든분들… 감사합니다
Super Junior’s Debut 6th Anniversary … To all ELFs who always be with us, beloved member and everyone who made Super Junior exists… Thank you
[Trans by: Elfishae]
2005/11/6-2011/11/6 It’s 6 years. Our members, our staffs, and very precious,lovely ELF who taught me the happiness, joys, and tears!^^ Thank you, and thank you! I/We’ll being with you together until the day my eyes close! I admire you, and I love you
[Trans by: Jinnn8812elf]
I wanted to have the world..I was about to catch everything..But now, there are our members, staffs, and fans who are more precious than the world to me..Ain’t I already owned the world? I feel so grateful and happy..Now I’m going to return the love to you
[Trans by: Jinnn8812elf]
We are Super Junior~~~~~~~~!!!6 year anniversary !! Love (SJ) and loving those who love (us) and cherish (us) and cherish all who cherishes (us) !! Thank you ELF I ♥ U
[Trans by: Elfishae]
6 years!!!!!!! the time that just had just flown, the time that we endured clenching our teeth and did our best to make every effort, the time we’ve been making together, now it’s time to start all over again!! Here we go SuJu!!!!
[Trans by: TwELFs]
CREDIT TO : elfamazing.wordpress.com
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