Wednesday 27 July 2011

// sneak peek with ZE:A //

If you can do something for the girl you love just like 
<Here I Am> MV , what will you do ? 

Kwanghee : 
I want to help the girl i like to apply nail polish, because applying nail polish on my self seems difficult. So, if i help the girl i like to apply nail polish and it’s done beautifully, she should be very happy.

Minwoo gives a cute expression and answered :
 Help her buy perfume and spray perfume all around, smelling good seems not that bad too!

Dongjun : 
All the work that need energy pass it to me!

Kevin :
 I will cook for the girl i like. After eating delicious food, no matter what sad things happen, 
she will forget it!

Hyungshik tilt his head and think and said :
 If i can be guardian angel , i wish i can do one happy stuff a day, to make the girl i like happy, 
make her feel blissful everyday .

Siwan :
 Help her to remove any difficulties handsomely , no matter what difficulties she faced, 
help her to overcome/solved it 

Junyoung revealed a smile and answered : 
I wish to bring the girl i like to Theme Park. Theme park is a place full of happiness , not only that, 
it can relieve stress too.

Heechul giggled while answered : 
Me…. I will do what the members have said. 

This normally will be the answer by the last person but heechul snatch it =D

Taehun : 
What i want to say, has been snatch away! 

Kwanghee suddenly pops in and said : 
Taehun ah, just give ipad to the girl you like. 

After saying all this, everyone starts laughing and giggling around.

Junyoung adds on : 
Taehun really love ipad alot, everyday hugging his ipad. The time he spend looking on his ipad is 
more than the time he spend looking at us .

Everyone agreed by nodding their head profusely . 

After thinking for awhile, Taehun’s answer is : 
I will give a handmade customised necklance for the girl i like , receiving this kind of present , 
she should be very happy!

Everyone started giggling , laughing after hearing this answer again .

Heechul : 
Of course he is still unwilling to give away his ipad.

Kwanghee laughing while making a conclusion : 
If Taehun is willing to give away the ipad to the girl he love, that must be true love .

This conclusion once again make everyone laughing like crazy, 
Kevin and Minwoo laugh until they nearly fall down on the floor.

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